Profitable Discount Store For Sale: Turnkey Opportunity AAA Location
Westchester County, NY
An exceptional opportunity to own a fully equipped discount store in a bustling community! This well-maintained store comes with brand new fixtures, gondolas,...
Dollar Store - Desirable Town in Bergen County
Bergen County, NJ
The store was started in 2022. This is a family-owned and operated business. There are no paid employees; therefore it is best suited for the owner-operator. The...
Brooklyn’s Retail Hotspot: Profitable Dollar Store in Cypress Hills
Brooklyn, NY
- Robust Sales: Over $1.8 million annually - Turnkey Operation: Established management...
Thriving Dollar/Discount Store Opportunity in Jackson Heights
Jackson Heights, NY
A Lucrative Venture Awaits in the Heart of a Bustling Community Seize the chance to own...
Profitable dollar store business for sale in the high-population area
Bronx, NY
SQ. FT: 6,000sq Parking: street Gross: $100,000/month Rent: $17,833/month real estate...
Massive 5,700 sf Fully Licensed Pharmacy & 99C Variety Store
Bronx County, NY
Fully licensed 5,700 sf Pharmacy contracted with Medicaid, Medicare, Caremark, Express...
Sizable and Profitable Dollar Store
Jackson Heights, NY
It is situated on a busy street in Queens. Great opportunity for good business.
Sizable Dollar stores in Brooklyn. Very Profitable
Brooklyn, NY
Deal is one or all three dollar stores, one in Brooklyn, one in Queens, and one in the...
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