Profitable Commercial Electrical Contractor - Public and Private work
Westchester County, NY
Founded in 1980, this commercial electrical contracting business has built a highly profitable and reputable business within the Tri-State area. Primarily...
Amazingly High Profit NYC Mechanical Fuel Oil System Business For sale
Queens, NY
Unique and Uncompetitive Opportunity in NYC. Hand on business with great profit and key person will stay up with the business until buyer mastered. Great business...
Lean Electrical Contracting Business for Sale
Passaic County, NJ
Seller holds the electrician license for the firm. Buyers must have a plan for a new...
Electrical Contracting and Installation Company with bucket truck
Valhalla, NY
Well regarded and well established residential electrical installation company. With a...
Electrical Contracting. GREAT REPEAT Customer List. Top Rated.
Bergen County, NJ
Established for over 40 years. The seller is retiring. All OFFERS considered. Great...
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