Dental practice. Aggressively priced for a quick sale
Brooklyn, NY
Highly motivated retiring and Ready to Exit Take over and grow this practice. Willing...
The Dripbar Territory Package For Sale!
Westchester, NY
Become the Area Representative for The Dripbar Franchisees in Putnam, Rockland, and...
Dermatology Clinic, Allergy, Skin and Hair Care for Sale
Fort Lee, NJ
Dermatology clinic in a busy shopping mall. The clinic has been in business for 13 years...
Price Reduced Brooklyn Dental Practice and Medical Spa For Sale
Brooklyn, NY
A very unique dental practice and spa has come our way. In business over 30 years ...
Located in a prime area of Brooklyn in a 6000 sf facility
Brooklyn, NY
Established since 1999 Radiology practice, in the current location since 2008. Located...
A great opportunity to own a thriving medical practice in the Bronx.
Bronx, NY
A great opportunity to own a thriving medical practice in the Bronx. This 6000 sf...
Durable Medical Equipment License
Kings County, NY
With accredated and Medicare Application. Brooklyn. NY
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