Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Oswego County, NY. Showing instead
Niagara Estate Winery + Event Center For Sale
Step into a rustic + sophisticated lifestyle business as the new owners of this esteemed Niagara winery and event venue. <br /> <br />Its land has...
Long Established and Profitable Sunroom Contractor
This profitable Westchester County contractor has been installing & repairing sunrooms for over 30 years. The owner has reached retirement age and is...
Award Winning New York Winery with Tasting Room
New York
Thriving Winery Business in the Heart of NY Wine Country<br /><br />Step into the world of winemaking with this rare opportunity to own a well-established winery...
Americana Winery for Sale on Cayuga Lake
Interlaken, NY
What a great opportunity to live your dream lifestyle on the Cayuga Lake wine trail and who doesn't love wine?? The Americana Winery, a well established national...
Award Winning Winery $995,000
Steuben County, NY
AWARD WINNING WINERY $995,000<br />FINGER LAKES REGION Popular and busy artisan winery specializing in champagne and fruit wines, near Village of...
Fingerlakes of New York Vineyard, Winery, and Tasting Room
New York
ACQUISITION HIGHLIGHTS:<br />• Produces top wines in the Fingerlakes region; recognized<br />internationally for fine wines, including Rieslings and Cabernet...
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