Eyelash, hair and Nail Salon for Sale in Long Island City New York
Long Island City, NY
Are you ready to take over a business with a built-in client base and growth potential? High end eyelash, hair and nail salon. Provide Customers with the best...
Luxurious, Elegant, Well established Nail Salon for Sale
Astoria, NY
$800,000.00 invested in an elegant nail salon.
High-Traffic Nail Salon For Sale In Prime Queens Location
Queens, NY
HS Listing ID-62973 Prime Location: Strategically located on one of the busiest streets...
Business sale on nails, massage, wax and miscellaneous goods, etc.
Flushing, NY
Prime Business location! Flushing on Northern Blvd. Nail (manicure, pedicure), waxing...
Nail Salon ($660,000 Sale / Year) for Sale, Queens
Queens County, NY
Nail salon for sale! 1,500sqft + 1,000sqft Basement 13 ~ 15 Employees. Gross income $...
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