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Queens County, NY
Has 26 Washers & 26 Dryers all rebuilt (Huebsch). 2 TV's, 15 Bins, Counter & 4 Tables.<br />Earns $$45
Semi-Absentee Long Established Laundromat in Densely Populated Residen
Queens County, NY
Long Established Laundromat Business with 14 Washer and 14 Dryers at Very Busy Street in Densely Populated Area in Queens County N.Y.There is Great Potential For...
Working Owner Long Island City $85,000. down. 10 year lease
Long Island City, NY
18 Washers 18 Dryers. 85K down Payment 10 year lease. Needs Working owner.<br /><br...
The Rockaways - $40,000 down - 51 Machines
Queens, NY
The Rockaways - $40,000 down - 51 Machines - for working owner.<br /><br...
Needs Working owner- Astoria Beauty- 62 Machines $139,000.
Astoria, NY
Astoria Beauty- 62 Machines $149,000. New 10 year lease. Needs a working owner or pickup...
Long Established Profitable Laundromat New 17W/18D in High Dense Are
Queens County, NY
Long Established Laundromat with one year old Speedy Queen 18 Dryers and 17 Washer at...
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