Price Cut - Established a Profitable laundromat in a shopping center
Staten Island, NY
$75,000.00 price cut on April 25, 2024. This laundromat is located in a shopping center. It has plenty of parking and a very safe environment. A lot of traffic...
Laundromat W/ Great Potential-Attended/Absentee Staten Island-$139,000
Staten Island, NY
This laundromat can be run attended or unattended with some modifications.. This is a very poorly run and unmanaged store that owner/seller never tried to...
Profitable Laundromat- All New Equipment - Staten Island
Staten Island, NY
Seller highly motivated retiring and Ready to Exit Are you ready to take over a business...
High Volume Profitable Laundromat witg 29W/32 D
Staten Island, NY
Semi- Absentee owner Management of Laundromat.High Gross Revenue Profitable Laundromat...
A Laundromat, Staten Island
Staten Island, NY
Well Maintained Laundromat in Staten Island. 4-Year-Old Machines, 16 Washers-Wascomt, 16...
Growing Laundromat & Newer Machines - Staten Island - $175,000
Staten Island, NY
Great neighborhood location. Located on a corner for great visibility and has private...
Staten Island in Shopping Center – Price $68K
Staten Island, NY
Staten Island in Shopping Center – Price $68K - for working Owner only. 18 Washers- 20...
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