Established General Ophthalmology practice in Westchester County, NY
Gedney, NY
For sale: Established General Ophthalmology practice in Westchester County, NY. This is an ideal practice for an incoming Ophthalmologist to take over a turn-key...
Hartsdale, NY -Kickboxing Franchise for Sale
Hartsdale, NY
Get your own pre-built kickboxing fitness studio with an existing membership base in Hartsdale, NY without having to deal with city permits or long construction...
turnkey suburban NYC physician-owned cardiology-only practice for sale
Westchester County, NY
Type of Practice: Cardiology only(subspecialty-interventional); physician-owned Number...
SBA Pre-Qualified Gym in High Traffic Location- UNDER LOI
Westchester County, NY
This fitness center is a prime opportunity for fitness enthusiasts and investors alike....
Great Business for Personal Trainer or Group Fitness Instructor
Westchester County, NY
High Intensity Fitness Center - Owner selling due to health reasons and retirement -...
Unique Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Fastest Growing Sport -Passively Run
Westchester County, NY
Established in 2009, this business model is more than a martial arts school. Its also a...
Behavioral Health Center In Westchester
Westchester County, NY
A rare opportunity awaits for a dedicated mental health professional to acquire a...
Own A Boutique Gym And Fitness Center Considering Reasonable Offers
Peekskill, NY
Owner highly motivated and Ready to Exit Are you ready to take over a business with a...
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