Gathering Place for Wine Lovers
Hickory, NC
In the heart of the charming town of Hickory sits a tremendous opportunity for the wine enthusiast. With multiple revenue streams, a diversified customer base, and...
Price Reduced! No Jobber Contract! Gas Station in Hickory, NC!
Hickory, NC
Inside Sales are roughly $55,000 per month! Outside sales are roughly 45,000 gallons per month at 25 cents margin per gallon! No Jobber Contract! Lottery...
Established Florist Business
Catawba, NC
Established Florist in the NC Foothills. The botanical gem has been a staple in its...
Upscale specialty food store for sale in Hickory NC
Hickory, NC
Upscale specialty food store for sale in Hickory NC. This business has a long history...
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