Bimbo Bread & Snack Rte..Nets $105k..40 Hrs/Wk..ONLY $60k Dn.
YES - YES...This is a new type Bimbo Route that combines a Bread Route and a Snack Route. The UNBELIEVABLY nice thing that Bimbo has done with this...
Martin’s Bread Route For Sale in Monroe NC for $119,000
Martin’s Bread Route For Sale in Monroe NC for $119,000. #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #RouteForSale #Distributorship #Martins #MartinsBread...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale- Charlotte NC-$130,000
Charlotte, NC
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale in Charlotte NC-$130,000. #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributorship #Snyder’s-Lance #Snyder’sPretzels #KettleChips #CapeCodChips...
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina area for $240,000! Company financing with $77,000 down! Currently grossing...
Snyders Chip Rte..Serves 7 Food Lions..Nets $102k....SALE PENDING
Charlotte, NC
Approximately $53k down...Company to Finance Remainder 10 years. THIS ROUTE COVERS CONCORD AND KANNAPOLIS. Owner is ONLY selling this Cash Cow route due to very...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000
Charlotte, NC
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000 #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributor #Distributorship #SnydersLance #ForSale #SnydersPretzels #KettleChips...
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route, Lancaster, SC
Charlotte, NC
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Lancaster, South Carolina area for $135,000! Company financing available with $62,000 down! Currently...
**SALE PENDING** Bimbo Bakeries Route For Sale-Charlotte NC-$245,000
Charlotte, NC
Bimbo Bakeries Route For Sale-Charlotte NC-$245,000 Enter Quick Code NC-97316 at for more details, or use the following link:...
**SALE PENDING** Pepperidge Farm Bread Route For Sale -Indian Trail NC
Indian Trail, NC
Pepperidge Farm Bread Route For Sale-Indian Trail NC-$155,000 Enter Quick Code NC-37620 at for more details, or use the following link:...
Chifles Plantain Chips Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Chifles Plantain Chips Master Distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina region for $155,000! Currently grossing an estimated $528,684 year in sales...
UTZ Foods Route For Sale in Gastonia NC-$120,000
Gastonia, NC
UTZ Foods Route For Sale in Gastonia NC-$120,000 Enter Quick Code NC-63074 at for more details, or use the following link: ...
Niche Sales Company with Recurring Customers #1816
Charlotte, NC
We are looking for a specific type of buyer to take over this lifestyle business with a 10-year track record of continual success. That buyer will enjoy working...
Paper Product Company for Sale in Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Eight year old paper product distribution company for sale in Charlotte/Union County....
Independent Kitchen Equipment Supplier & Services Company
Charlotte, NC
The Company is an independently owned supplier of commercial kitchen equipment and small...
Fabricated Aerospace, Defense & Medical Parts Manufacturer
Charlotte, NC
High End Modern Shop - Real Estate Available - Unique Client Base This 35 year old...
Engineered Equipment & Mobility Systems Manufacturer, with Real Estate
Charlotte, NC
This company designs, develops, manufactures, sells and services custom engineered...
Cash Flow: $133,662
Distributor of Food Service Supplies
Charlotte, NC
Over 40+ year old established wholesale distributor of restaurant and food service...
Niche Premium Local Beef Wholesaler and Retailer
Iredell County, NC
Looking for a profitable, niche business with a proven track record of success? Look no...
10 Year Old Well Established Custom and Designer Laces Company
Mecklenburg County, NC
Loyal following and a proven track record of success has arrived! This company is a...
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