Bimbo Bread & Snack Rte..Nets $105k..40 Hrs/Wk..ONLY $60k Dn.
YES - YES...This is a new type Bimbo Route that combines a Bread Route and a Snack Route. The UNBELIEVABLY nice thing that Bimbo has done with this...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale- Charlotte NC-$130,000
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale in Charlotte NC-$130,000. #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributorship #Snyder’s-Lance #Snyder’sPretzels #KettleChips...
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Sara Lee & Thomas Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina area for $240,000! Company financing with $77,000 down! Currently grossing...
Snyders Chip Rte..Serves 7 Food Lions..Nets $102k....SALE PENDING
Charlotte, NC
Approximately $53k down...Company to Finance Remainder 10 years. THIS ROUTE COVERS CONCORD AND KANNAPOLIS. Owner is ONLY selling this Cash Cow route due to very...
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000
Charlotte, NC
Snyder’s-Lance Route For Sale Charlotte NC-$139,000 #Ownaroute #Buyaroute #Distributor #Distributorship #SnydersLance #ForSale #SnydersPretzels #KettleChips...
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route, Lancaster, SC
Charlotte, NC
Arnold & Bimbo Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Lancaster, South Carolina area for $135,000! Company financing available with $62,000 down! Currently...
Great South Charlotte pool company with high end clientele
Charlotte, NC
We are a full-service swimming pool maintenance and repair company. We are approaching 200 recurring weekly year-round clients and have full-time mechanics able to...
Chifles Plantain Chips Route, Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC
Chifles Plantain Chips Master Distributorship for sale in the Charlotte, North Carolina region for $155,000! Currently grossing an estimated $528,684 year in sales...
Charlotte, NC - ATM route for sale
Charlotte, NC
14 ATM Locations in Charlotte, NC All high-end Hotels - making $38,000/yr NET (outside of Gas and time) for sale for $91,000 Buyer must join the ACFN ATM...
Voda Cleaning & Restoration
Available in North Carolina
The industry's first and only Cleaning + Restoration franchise – 2 FRANCHISES IN 1. Multiple revenue streams for both residential & commercial customers!
Paper Product Company for Sale in Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Eight year old paper product distribution company for sale in Charlotte/Union County....
Snack & Drinks Vending Machines - Huge Margins & Thriving
Charlotte, NC
Lucrative - Semi-Passive - Healthy snacks & drinks vending machine business covering...
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