Sweet Opportunity: Bakery for Sale in High-End Area Near Charlotte, NC
Cornelius, NC
Bakery is located in the upscale lake town of Cornelius, NC in a popular shopping strip with multiple big box anchor stores that provide a lot of foot traffic. ...
Established Cleaning Business in Northern Charlotte, NC!
Cornelius, NC
Lake Norman based residential cleaning service for sale. This is an established business with over 120 recurring customers and a recurring forecasted revenue each...
Cornelius, NC -Kickboxing Franchise for Sale
Cornelius, NC
Get your own pre-built kickboxing fitness studio with an existing membership base in Cornelius without having to deal with city permits or long construction...
Lake Norman Cafe for Sale - Growing, High-End Area!
Cornelius, NC
If you've been dreaming of owning your own cafe or cozy restaurant, this Lake Norman Cafe for Sale is the perfect opportunity! Located in the vibrant Lake Norman...
See more results when you broaden your search from Cornelius to Mecklenburg County.
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