10 Multi-Unit Batteries Plus Stores in SC/NC
Fayetteville, NC
The price for this business is $5MM All-In. This includes 10 Batteries Plus Stores, 5 Commercial Buildings worth $3.2MM, and $1.5MM sellable inventory at cost. The...
Vending Machine Business in Cumberland County, NC
Cumberland County, NC
Vending Machine Business available with 14 operational machines already in high-traffic locations with continuous clientele in Cumberland County, NC. Two new...
10-Stores Plus Real Estate-Multi-Unit Batteries Plus in NC/SC
Fayetteville, NC
The price for this business is $5MM All-In. This includes 10 Batteries Plus Stores, 5 Commercial Buildings worth $3.2MM, and $1.5MM sellable inventory at cost. The...
Semi-Absentee Healthy Snack Vending Business
Fayetteville, NC
This business offers healthy snacks and beverages through vending machines placed in high-traffic locations such as gyms, hospitals, schools, and office...
High Volume Family Fare Gas Station - Fayetteville NC
Fayetteville, NC
Family Fare Convenience Store with Branded Gasoline. Excellent opportunity to operate...
Gas Station with Store
Fayetteville, NC
The property is located along Cedar Creek Rd. (Hwy 53) in east Fayetteville, less than...
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