Turn Key Cafe for Sale in Matthews - Heavy Foot Traffic!
Matthews, NC
Why wait? Here's your chance to own a fully-equipped, Turn Key Cafe for Sale in...
This Luxurious Day Spa, Feels Like You're In Tahiti
Matthews, NC
Escape to South Charlotte’s oasis of tranquility at this Tahitian like Day Spa, where...
Wonderful profitable franchise
Matthews, NC
Profitable Franchise Sandwich shop in a great upscale traffic area. Serious Buyers...
Dry Cleaning business with an eco-friendly main plant and 2 drop store
Matthews, NC
Here is an eco-friendly dry cleaning plant with 2 drop stores well established and...
Matthews- Commercial Cleaning: Profitable Janitorial Business
Matthews, NC
For Sale: A well-established local commercial cleaning business that is part of a highly...
See more results when you broaden your search from Matthews to Mecklenburg County.
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