FedEx Linehaul for Sale, 8 Runs - Charlotte, NC - Financing Available!
Charlotte, NC
This well established FedEx linehaul features eight runs with 14 employees & management in place. It includes an updated fleet of 11 late model trucks valued at...
Semi absentee trucking company- growing!
Charlotte, NC
small trucking and logistics company based in the heart of Charlotte NC. Established in 2022, they specialize in providing comprehensive transportation solutions...
16 FedEx Ground Routes - Charlotte, NC - Seller & Vehicle Financing
Charlotte, NC
FedEx Ground Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Ground...
Absentee owned premier trucking company short term contract in place
Charlotte, NC
We present an established trucking company that has built a strong reputation within the...
7 FedEx Ground Routes - Charlotte, NC - Highly Profitable
Charlotte, NC
FedEx Ground Routes for Sale: Well-established and highly profitable FedEx Ground...
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