Upscale Turn-Key Restaurant for Sale in Mooresville, NC!
Mooresville, NC
This is your chance to own an Upscale Turn-Key Restaurant for Sale in one of the most desirable areas of Mooresville, NC! This 4,297-square-foot Restaurant for...
25 Year Established Sushi & Hibachi Restaurant With Loyal Customers
Mooresville, NC
Tokyo Japanese Seafood & Steakhouse specializes in serving delicious, fresh Japanese cuisine within a relaxed setting in Mooresville, NC. Our guest favorites...
Profitable Lawn & Landscape Company for Sale
Mooresville, NC
Well-established Lawn & Landscape business in Mooresville, NC. This 2-3 man operation...
Restaurant and Bar For Sale: Expansive Space & Proven Profitability!
Mooresville, NC
We are thrilled to present an exceptional opportunity to acquire a thriving...
Leading Supplier of Premium Concrete Plants, Equipment for Sale!
Mooresville, NC
Located in Mooresville, North Carolina, this business specializes in providing top-tier...
See more results when you broaden your search from Mooresville to Iredell County.
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