Discover the advantages of a reliable P&D FedEx route in Greensboro NC
Guilford County, NC
For sale: an exceptional opportunity to own an established FedEx route in a highly sought-after area. This route is reliable and operates seamlessly, yielding...
10 FedEx P&D Routes * KernersvilleTerminal
Kernersville, NC
Established routes with 15 trucks free and clear Contractor of 17 years looking to retire. Areas involved are mix of residential and businesses. Average of 11...
Greensboro, NC area - ATM route for sale
Greensboro, NC
21 ATM Locations in the Greensboro, NC area mostly high-end Hotels, Train Stations, Malls making $67,000/yr NET (outside of Gas and time) for sale for $160,000 ...
21 FedEx Linehaul Runs for Sale - Absentee Opportunity
Greensboro, NC
Large FedEx linehaul business for sale operating out of Greensboro and Charlotte, NC. Business includes 15 dedicated (solo) runs and 6 unassigned (solo) runs. ...
Healthier Vending Machines - Very High Tech - Lucrative
Oak Ridge, NC
Booming - Semi-Absentee - Healthy snacks vending machine business covering Greensboro NC...
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