Outstanding opportunity for an owner/operator!
Do you have what it takes to be your own boss and take the reigns of a restaurant with the best burger and milkshake in town? This is an affordable...
Profitable, Excellent Cash Flow, and Growing Sales
Incredible opportunity! The business has work orders lined up and plenty more to come. Tax returns provide the proof. There is consistent growth and...
Iconic Bike Shop - Wilson NC
Wilson, NC
**Exciting Opportunity: Own an Iconic Bicycle Shop with Profitable Locksmith Service** Discover a remarkable chance to acquire a renowned Bicycle Shop that has...
Child Care Center with Real Estate
Wilson County, NC
This business is a family-owned and operated daycare providing a nurturing and educational environment for children aged 6 weeks to 12 years. It provides a...
Christian Bookstore ( Includes Inventory $60,000 approx.)
Wilson County, NC
Well-established, profitable Christian bookstore. This bookstore is located on a...
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