Lumber Yard inventory & equipment for sale. All offers welcome.
Stanley, ND
Real estate has been sold and we need to liquidate everything! Asking $550,000 for inventory and equipment ($825,000 wholesale value). Two trucks, two trailers,...
Electrical Contractor with a focus on Oil Industry
North Dakota
The Company performs industrial electrical work and HVAC services for the oil companies in the Rocky Mountain region. In addition, this company expands their...
Cash Flow: $1,041,000
Retail Lumber, Building Materials, and Special Order Products
North Dakota
In operation for over 25 years, the Company is a lumberyard and building materials dealer catering primarily to retail customers (90% of 2023 sales). Approximately...
Cash Flow: $373,000
Specialty Commercial Contractor Serving Minnesota & North Dakota Areas
North Dakota
A third-generation, industry leading Specialty Commercial Contractor that serves East Central North Dakota and West Central Minnesota. The company specializes in...
Commercial Roofing Company with 35% Profit! (17943)
North Dakota
This respected Roofing & Construction Company, based in Eastern North Dakota, leverages...
Retail Lumber, Building Materials, and Special Order Products
North Dakota
In operation for over 25 years, the Company is a lumberyard and building materials...
Aggregate Production & Trucking Company
Cass County, ND
The company being offered has supplied large quantities of aggregates for projects...
Valuable Plumbing and Heating Business
Bottineau County, ND
This plumbing and heating business has been very successful due to the location and...
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