Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Renville County, ND. Showing instead
High-Volume Childcare Center
Fargo, ND
Successful, newer childcare center located in Fargo, ND. Real estate available for purchase for<br />$2,050,000. For more information, contact Barry Maring at...
Self- and Full-Service Laundry: Out of State Absentee Owner
Watford City, ND
Strategically located in Williston, ND, which is a temporary <br />home for over 100,000 laborers who migrate to the region for <br />work in the agriculture,...
Moving Company in Two States
North Dakota
This Veteran-owned and operated moving company operates out of two locations: North Dakota and Georgia. The Georgia location has won a $34 million contract over a...
Selling Safe/ATM Installation Company
Bismarck, ND
Selling the ND territory for a AMT/Safe installation company. No advertising or marketing need. Very little to no overhead just need tools. You will cover all of...
Specialty Commercial Contractor Serving Minnesota & North Dakota Areas
North Dakota
A third-generation, industry leading Specialty Commercial Contractor that serves East...
Upper Midwest Engineering Company 2.5 Million Sales 1.6 Cash Flow
North Dakota
Upper Midwest Engineering Company <br /><br />Company provides Premium Solutions to its...
Commercial Roofing Company with 35% Profit! (17943)
North Dakota
This respected Roofing & Construction Company, based in Eastern North Dakota, leverages...
Window & Gutter Cleaning/Christmas Light Installation
Grand Forks, ND
Owner must sell. Price reduced to barely over 1x 2023 EBITDA. Don't miss the opportunity...
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