High-Volume Childcare Center
Fargo, ND
Successful, newer childcare center located in Fargo, ND. Real estate available for purchase for $2,050,000. For more information, contact Barry Maring at...
Self- and Full-Service Laundry: Out of State Absentee Owner
Watford City, ND
Strategically located in Williston, ND, which is a temporary home for over 100,000 laborers who migrate to the region for work in the agriculture, fields, and...
Moving Company in Two States
North Dakota
This Veteran-owned and operated moving company operates out of two locations: North Dakota and Georgia. The Georgia location has won a $34 million contract over a...
Specialty Commercial Contractor Serving Minnesota & North Dakota Areas
North Dakota
A third-generation, industry leading Specialty Commercial Contractor that serves East Central North Dakota and West Central Minnesota. The company specializes in...
Upper Midwest Engineering Company 2.5 Million Sales 1.6 Cash Flow
North Dakota
Upper Midwest Engineering Company Company provides Premium Solutions to its clients...
Commercial Roofing Company with 35% Profit! (17943)
North Dakota
This respected Roofing & Construction Company, based in Eastern North Dakota, leverages...
Window & Gutter Cleaning/Christmas Light Installation
Grand Forks, ND
Owner must sell. Price reduced to barely over 1x 2023 EBITDA. Don't miss the opportunity...
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