Medical Equipment Reseller
Eastlake, OH
We purchase and resell refurbished and new diagnostic imaging systems to hospitals, clinics, imaging centers, surgery centers and physician offices. Our market...
E-Commerce Business with 50% Repeat Customers
Toledo, OH
This is a long-standing e-commerce firm with a niche product line targeting outdoor enthusiasts. Sales are direct to consumer, marketed only on the company...
Niche Service Biz | $3.1M EBITDA
A multi-location niche consumer service-related company has management in place and the...
Full Service Remediation Franchise in Columbus (Insurance pay model)
Columbus, OH
A full-service water, fire, mold, biohazard, and odor remediation company. Highly...
Workspace Technology Consulting, Planning, Design, Installation Firm
HAS SIGNED OFFER- Not including the owners, this company has twenty five (25)+/-...
Mobile Dental Units for Sale
Amelia, OH
This business owns a variety of mobile dental units that are used for outreach programs...
Established Retail Window Treatment
Columbus, OH
Firmly established, this family owned and operated window treatment business has been...
Successful Consulting Business in Toy Industry Supplying Latin America
Hamilton County, OH
Legacy Toy Business Servicing 20+ Latin American Counties. Currently based in Ohio but...
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