Commercial Oven Hood, Vent, and Duct Cleaning
Cincinnati, OH
Own a well-established commercial vent, duct, and oven hood cleaning service. This business operates in a traditionally fragmented market, ripe for consolidation...
Leading Cleaning Supply Company: Sparkling Profits & Opportunity
Hamilton County, OH
Overview: Seize the opportunity to acquire the rights to manufacture locally in Cincinnati, market, and sell a revolutionary multipurpose, concentrated cleaner....
Eco-Friendly Residential Cleaning Business with Recurring Revenue
Cincinnati, OH
Step into a booming residential cleaning business that offers consistent, recurring...
A professional window cleaning service
Cincinnati, OH
A professional window cleaning service to both residential and commercial clients....
Professional Dryer Vent Cleaning - Quick Jobs - Great Margins
Cincinnati, OH
Thriving - Leading Dryer Vent Cleaning business covering Cincinnati and surroundings....
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