Newer Build Pizza Concept “Quick Sale” w/ 30% Seller Financing!
This a turn key FIRE SALE! Sellers must sell due to personal reasons and this beautiful build restaurant can be yours for less than 1/3 the cost to...
Tommy's Pizza, Chicken, & Catering is For Sale
This a an asset sale, no stocks. Assets include name, logo, recipes, customer database, equipment and inventory. Sales are over $1M per year with cash...
For Sale-$79,900-Established Pizza Delivery Business
Cuyahoga County, OH
A well-established pizza delivery business serves three counties from its current...
Little Caesars Pizza Franchise for Sale in Ohio
Lorain County, OH
Join one of the largest and fastest growing pizza franchises in the world! Located in a...
Prime Pizza Shop with Excellent Location and Signature Recipes
Cuyahoga County, OH
*Exclusively offered by Transworld Business Advisors of Cleveland Metro. This...
Fully Staffed Pizzeria in Great Location With Sales Up 30% YOY
Cuyahoga County, OH
Pizzeria in prime location surrounded by retail establishments and office buildings....
$140,000-Asset Sale - Food Truck & Catering Business- Wood Fired Pizza
North Royalton, OH
1987 FORD Red/White with 160x140 Valoriani wood-fired oven 1990...
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