Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Delaware County, OH. Showing instead
Established, thriving Grooming/Dog Daycare/ Boarding facility.
Established, (15 years) Grooming, doggie daycare and boarding facility in Vandalia, Ohio 45377. Owned by the same family for over 15 years. Owners...
Established Mobile Pet Franchise
Established Mobile Pet Spa Franchise available in one of the fastest growing markets. <br /> <br />The asking price includes business only. You would...
Established Profitable Existing Dog Daycare, Grooming & Boarding
Mahoning County, OH
This is a well established & profitable Franchised Dog Day Care, Boarding & Grooming business. It must remain a Franchise. <br /><br />Great lease terms, Good...
National Pet Franchise in Cleveland OH
Cuyahoga County, OH
A rare opportunity to purchase a successful national Pet Franchise in Cleveland, Ohio - without all of the initial startup costs and concerns. The 2023 revenues...
High-End Mobile Pet Grooming Salon & Spa, Plus Dog Walking & Sitting
Cleveland, OH
This exceptional mobile pet business goes beyond mere walks and baths. Our distinctive array of services includes pet sitting, dog walking, and mobile pet spa...
Mahoning County Boutique Style Dog Grooming
Mahoning County, OH
Boutique style Dog Grooming Business for sale in Mahoning County. This company has been in business for 24 years in the same location and has a large repeating...
High-End Mobile Pet Grooming Business, Home-Based
Cleveland, OH
Own a distinctive mobile pet care business that goes beyond the basics of walks and...
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