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Lorain County Draft House/Sports Bar/Business and Real Estate-400K!
Lorain County, OH
Real estate appraisal completed-$293,000! Are you ready to step into the thriving world of food and beverage? Look no further! We are delighted to present to you a...
Turn-key Restaurant and Bar in a VERY high traffic area.
Avon, OH
Unlock a Golden Opportunity in the Wine Bar and Restaurant Industry!<br /><br />Are you ready to step into a thriving business with proven success? This vibrant...
Confidential Turn-key Restaurant with Real Estate
Lorain County, OH
10,000+ SF on over 1 Acre, with multiple parcels. Banquet space and basement area with...
Successful Chinese Restaurant with liquor license.
Avon Lake, OH
Full operating successful Chinese Restaurant for sale in Avon Lake. Comes with D5-D6...
High Volume Casual Dining Restaurant in Affluent City
Avon Lake, OH
This restaurant has become a beloved dining destination renowned for its unique menu...
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