Smoke and Vape Shops for Sale
Columbus, OH
$700,000 including Inventory and fixtures for 4 Stores in Columbus and Powell Ohio. Really Nice and well kept Vape Shops for sale. MUCH higher margins of...
Established Optical Store
Columbus, OH
Owner moving on to other opportunities. Well established Retail Eyecare Center for sale. Strong customer base offering Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses, Sunglasses, Eye...
Play It Again Sports Used Sporting Goods Store for Sale
Columbus, OH
The Play It Again Sports business model is stronger than ever! The main reason for this...
Flower/Plant Business Columbus area
Columbus, OH
Flower/Plant Business. Semi-Absentee or Hands on Excellent Return on Investment. Very...
Full-Service Florist and Gift Shop
Franklin County, OH
Founded in 1998, this full-service florist and gift shop has a high reputation in the...
Women's Specialty Boutique
Columbus, OH
Located in one of the more affluent Columbus suburbs this specialty boutique caters to,...
Confidential listing selling for 1x cash flow!
Columbus, OH
Cannabis business poised to take advantage of new Ohio law. This is an opportunity you...
Specialty Sport Retail
Columbus, OH
***We are pleased to announce that this business has been SOLD*** Located on a very...
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