20+ year Established Cleaning Company in Suburban Dayton Ohio
Beaver Creek, OH
Established cleaning company in the Suburbs of Dayton. Long history of happy clients and 5 star reviews. Great opportunity to pick up a longstanding book of...
Restaurant & Caterer
Dayton, OH
Longstanding Full Service Restaurant & Caterer. A local, family-owned eatery known for it's personality, warmth, hospitality, AND it's amazing food. Established...
Merry Maids_Dayton, OH
Beavercreek, OH
Purchasing a home cleaning franchise in Beavercreek, OH, is your gateway to owning a thriving business in a community known for its friendly neighborhoods and...
Mission's Tortilla Route, Beavercreek, OH
Beavercreek, OH
Mission’s Tortilla Route for sale in the Beavercreek, Xenia, Wilmington, and Fairborn, Ohio region for $158,500! Currently expected to generate $686,608 in yearly...
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