Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Holland, OH. Showing instead
Jed's Barbecue & Brew
Toledo, OH
VERY POPULAR JED'S Barbecue & Brew located in West Toledo available for sale. The Bar & Grill is doing a thriving business of $140,000+ in sales per month. This...
Turnkey, Well Established Restaurant in Lucas County Ohio
Lucas County, OH
FOR SALE! A complete turnkey in Lucas county restaurant in a very high traffic area. This 5000 square feet restaurant is ready for the right buyer. Rent is $8335...
Famous Toledo Ohio Food Truck Available
Lucas County, OH
HS Listing ID-63938<br /><br />This Food Truck first started as a diner in Ohio and now...
Krieger's Pub Available for sale
Toledo, OH
Located outside Toledo Ecletic Grill serving Healthy Food
Toledo, OH
Attractive, market leading prime mall location outside of Toledo and visibility of 690...
Two Great Restaurants - Fresh & Healthy Food
Toledo, OH
Dual, twin pack, two restaurant package. The only two members of this leading franchise...
DIY Woodworking Studio for Home Decor in Ohio
Toledo, OH
This business offers inspiring DIY workshops for people who love to sip, paint, create,...
Upscale Fresh Food & Grill Restaurant for sale
Toledo, OH
Modern, upscale, eclectic fresh food grilled in front of you. Favorite fresh...
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