Sorry, no listings were found matching your search criteria for Creek County, OK. Showing instead
Established Garden Supply Store for Sale
Cleveland County, OK
Established 5,500 sq ft hydro store open since 2018. High traffic, low overhead, and it practicly runs intself. Ample potential for savings for those already in...
300 Acre Sod Farm
The business is on 400 acres with 300 acres irrigated to produce premium sod for large installations. Ideally situated with a wholesale/retail outlet 1.5 miles...
Cash Flow: $229,909
Premier Cattle Ranch - A Rancher’s Dream!
Okfuskee County, OK
Nestled on 80 acres of pristine grazing land, this premier cattle ranch offers a unique...
Marijuana Grow Business - Tulsa County
Tulsa County, OK
This marijuana grow operation was opened in the fall of 2019 as an established and...
Hog and Hay Farm $675k
Hughes County, OK
Hog and Hay Farm $675k<br /><br />75 acres with huge 1 acre pond<br /><br />Has 1 acre...
Ag Wholesale Dist $500K Net/$2.2M Sales & $500K Cost Inventory $2M!!!
Tulsa, OK
This extremely cashflow positive 30 plus year old company is a regional industry leader...
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