Industrial Service Business
Oklahoma City, OK
Regional industrial services business for sale. Services are required annually, so we have lots of repeat customers and revenue are steady year after year. New...
Profitable Medical Marijuana Grow With High Growth Potential For Sale
Luther, OK
**NDA Required for address** NOTE: Yes, it is still available. If interested, please schedule a call to discuss further:...
Profitable Medical Marijuana Grow With High Growth Potential For Sale
HS Listing ID-62997 -3 years in business -Owner wants to move back to Florida -Would...
Custom Truck Trailers and Truck Upfitting Business
•Profitable & Stable – 2022 Revenue: $5.80M EBITDA: $785.6K 2023 Revenue: $5.79M...
Cash Flow: $1,450,000
Red Metals Supply Company
With a comprehensive suite of onsite fabrication, polishing, and grinding services,...
Manufacturing Company Serving Industrial Equipment & Oil/Gas Markets
This established manufacturing company serves multiple industries including the oil and...
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