Furniture Maker with Quality Product
Tulsa, OK
This business owner has created a blend of profits and artistry with their rustic...
K8eBands - Wearable Child Monitoring System
Owasso, OK
This patented device links an individual to one or more people to be alerted if the...
$2.5M for Vertical Mfg’g Op w/$500K SDE on $1.7M w/$500K RE $350K FFE!
Tulsa, OK
This successful vertically integrated small manufacturing firm boasts some pretty...
Fully Licensed Distillery Featuring Wide Range of Brands
Tulsa County, OK
Overview: This fully-licensed distillery (state and federal) boasts an impressive array...
Leading Industrial Sandblasting and Coating Company Asset Sale
Tulsa, OK
This is an opportunity to acquire the assets of a highly regarded industrial...
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