Established, Profitable, Accredited Career College
Are you a serious investor looking to step into a thriving educational institution with an established reputation and significant growth potential? Look no...
Cash Flow: $200,000
Well Established Highly Profitable Salon & Spa For Sale
Durham Region, ON
Pre approved for financing. We help buyers seek financing with a minimum of 10% cash required. Looking for a hair salon where luxury meets artistry? 30% SDE...
Profitable Hair Salon In Ontario
This Salon & Spa has been in business since 2010. The environment and quality of work is...
Premium Men's Barbershop/Hair Salon
Toronto, ON
Based in Toronto, Ontario, the company operates a premium men's lifestyle barbershop...
Turnkey Salon and Beauty Supply Business with Passive Ownership
Toronto, ON
Seize a profitable investment opportunity with a well-established salon situated in a...
Highly Profitable Award-Winning Beauty Supply Store and Salon
West GTA, ON
With a 30-year legacy and strong reputation in the beauty industry, this franchise is...
Luxury Barbershop Franchise for Sale
South Ontario, ON
Discover the perfect opportunity to step into a well-established barber shop franchise,...
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