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Specialty Footwear Retailer with Online Sales Growth Potential
Clackamas County, OR
This multiple decade old establishment is one of the few providing a brick & mortar option for the product line in the Portland metropolitan area. Featuring...
Christmas wreaths and garland - Ecommerce
Oregon City, OR
Oregon Holiday Wreaths handcrafts beautiful, highly decorated wreaths. The wreaths are made with Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, Juniper, Holly Berries, and...
PENDING SALE: Rural Country Store w/ Bar & 2 Bedroom House
Clackamas County, OR
ACCEPTED OFFER: Rural Country/General Store with 100 years of history. Separate...
Motivated Seller: Turn-Key Grocery with Commercial Restaurant Kitchen
Clackamas, OR
Seller is very motivated, they have three new locations for their other business opening...
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