Flower Shop for Sale
Grants Pass, OR
Est. in 1937, this flower shop has been a vital part of the community for eight decades. Bought by the current owners in 1979, it upholds a reputation of excellent...
Established Aquatics Facility w/ Real Estate (Indoor Pool!)
Central Point, OR
Merit Commercial Real Estate is pleased to exclusively represent for sale the business assets and real estate of Rogue Aquatics in beautiful southern Oregon. Rogue...
Unique Chance to Own One of BEST Apothecaries in the Pacific Northwest
Ashland, OR
AMAZING OPPORTUNITY!!!! ASHLAND OREGON!!!!!!! Own Elder Apothecary! A business founded on the principles of Love for One Another, while Curating a Space that...
Scalable Unique Printing Co. with Nationwide Business Model
Jackson County, OR
**Time to Retire!** After a decade of success, the owners of this innovative business—a unique blend of creativity, travel, and printing—are ready to pass the...
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