Manufacture & Distribution of Food products to all of Oregon
Portland, OR
The headquarters of the Manufacturing business has a restaurant that thrived before the shutdown of the pandemic. It is located only 2 blocks from the Portland...
Food Brokerage Business - Under Contract
Multnomah County, OR
The company is a food brokerage business offering its customer base a wide variety of consumer and foodservice products in all sizes and styles. The company serves...
Turn-Key!! WOW Worthy Edible Arrangements & Gift Business
Portland, OR
Famous for their fresh fruit arrangements & legendary chocolate Dipped Fruit™ boxes and...
Popular Teriyaki Restaurant with Newer Equipments
Portland, OR
Popular teriyaki restaurant at highly exposed free standing building is located at the...
Unique Korean Fusion Restaurant for Sale - New Price
Portland, OR
Business Opportunity Only. This sophisticated Korean restaurant is famous for growing...
Classy French Breakfast Eatery
Multnomah County, OR
This very classy and upscale restaurant has been serving crepes and breakfast items to...
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