Flowers Bread Route, Multnomah County, OR
Portland, OR
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Portland and Gresham, Oregon region for $145,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $60,000...
Carpet Cleaning Mobile in Well-to-do area. 40 years established.
Portland, OR
Deluxe Carpet Cleaning to the well-to-do in Lake Oswego, Oregon. 40 years in business in the same neighborhood with long client list. Gross revenue is around...
Impressive Portland, OR Route - 346 ATMs - $3,250,000
Portland, OR
Overview Based in Portland, Oregon since 2004 the seller’s are regional leaders in the...
Appliance Repair Factory Rep. SERVICE TO THE STARS, new price!
Portland, OR
Manufacture authorized service for quality major appliances in the Portland and...
Lucrative Vending Machines Business | High-Margins and Semi-Passive
Portland, OR
Successful - Semi-Passive - Vending machine business (carrying healthier snacks and...
Profitable BITCOIN ATM ROUTE for sale!!
Portland, OR
Profitable BITCOIN ATM ROUTE for sale!! Are you looking for mostly passive income...
Established Portland-based Messenger (Courier) Service, Only $135,000
Portland, OR
Established Portland-based Messenger-Courier Service business for sale. Over 10 years in...
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