Established Dropship Home Furniture Discount Store
We are offering a thriving online dropshipping furniture website with an established track record and hundreds of positive customer reviews accumulated...
Christmas wreaths and garland - Ecommerce
Oregon Holiday Wreaths handcrafts beautiful, highly decorated wreaths. The wreaths are made with Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, Juniper, Holly...
Cable construction business for sale
Cable Construction Business for Sale! Company has no depts. All assets are paid off. ...
Profitable Design Agency: Owner Staying, Notable Clients, 13 Years
Portland, OR
Nationally known as one of the top design and illustration studios, this specialized...
National blood testing service, digital healthcare with 50% profit
Portland, OR
For institutional and private equity buyers, only. Please read the full description...
Home based, online seller of modern cabinets / kitchen design services
Portland, OR
Nice home based business with online presence allowing homeowners to design custom made,...
Profitable Sign Company with Established Cliental
Established sign company specializing in signs, banners, decals and custom printing.
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