Lumber/Forestry Equipment Manufacturer - READY TO SCALE!
Asking price is loose. The right person will make a fair deal. This is a high value, wide margin product that has been around since the 60s with generations of...
Specialty Speaker Company
West Linn, OR
Specialty Speaker Company: The business was founded over 13 years ago and is a small manufacturing company that produces the patented and trademarked speaker...
One of the State's Most Established & Respected Cannabis Operations-
Lane County, OR
Step into one of the state's most established and respected cannabis processing and...
Profitable Specialty Contractor/Fabricator in Central Oregon
Prime Opportunity for Growth: Are you looking to invest in a well-established,...
Iconic Pacific NW Artificial Lure Manufacturer
Portland, OR
Iconic Pacific Northwest artificial fishing lure manufacturer with over 70 years of...
Established Manufacturing and Machine Shop and R/E
Marion County, OR
This profitable and viable Machine Shop was founded in 1996 and manufactures custom made...
35 Year Manufacturing Leader In Virtual Production Field
The customer list includes a “Who’s Who” of some of the largest and most recognizable...
Medical mask maker with disabled vet GSA contracts
Portland, OR
Medical mask manufacturing company based in Oregon that produces a surgical mask for...
Amazing Opportunity! Turn-Key Solventless Cannabis Processing System
Eugene, OR
-Cannabis Processing License along with Turn Key Solventless Cannabis Processing System...
Concrete Technology Incorporated
Available Nationwide
CTi manufactures an easy to use spray coating for concrete. It is one of the most...
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