Highway Specialty Contractor
Clackamas County, OR
The company is a highway construction contractor that specializes in highway guardrail projects in Oregon and Washington. The company, established in 1997, has...
Established Custom Home Builder
West Linn, OR
Established in 1999, this reputable custom home and development business has built a strong presence in a high-end market, specializing in custom homes for...
Pending Sale - Well established Chimney company
Portland, OR
Turn-key business in the Portland area with room for growth. Excellent and updated...
Specialty Restoration Business With Growth Potential
Multnomah County, OR
Here's your opportunity to own a recession-proof venture, prioritizing repair over...
Established Residential & Commercial Painting Contractor for sale
Vancouver, WA
Started in 2013, annual had already eclipsed half a million by 2019. With a work from...
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