Well Established Stone & Wood Engraving Business. 10 Yrs Steady Growth
Vancouver, WA
Excellent Opportunity to own a fulfilling business that allows limitless creativity. We began this engraving business in 2012, and within a few short years it...
Christmas wreaths and garland - Ecommerce
Oregon City, OR
Oregon Holiday Wreaths handcrafts beautiful, highly decorated wreaths. The wreaths are made with Noble Fir, Douglas Fir, Incense Cedar, Juniper, Holly Berries, and...
Profitable Design Agency: Owner Staying, Notable Clients, 13 Years
Portland, OR
Nationally known as one of the top design and illustration studios, this specialized...
National blood testing service, digital healthcare with 50% profit
Portland, OR
For institutional and private equity buyers, only. Please read the full description...
Home based, online seller of modern cabinets / kitchen design services
Portland, OR
Nice home based business with online presence allowing homeowners to design custom made,...
Motivated Seller to Turnkey Operation- Loyal Customer Base
Clark County, WA
This mobile phone repair and sales service is located in a high traffic vehicle and foot...
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