Flowers Bread Route, Multnomah County, OR
Portland, OR
Flowers Bread Route distributorship for sale in the Portland and Gresham, Oregon region for $145,000! Company related financing available with an estimated $60,000...
Established Promotional Products Distributing Biz w/Over 800K in Sales
Portland, OR
Promotional Products business primarily serving the beverage industry with over 800K in projected sales this year (both direct and wholesale). Product offerings...
Producer of Fresh-Frozen Dough for Take-N-Bake Pizzas
Clackamas County, OR
For the past 36 years, this company has been refining the production and distribution of...
Healthy Unique Award Winning Sparkling Tea Co
Vancouver, WA
Listing price is very flexible and the owners are open to creative offers with back end...
Wholesale Sandwich Manufacturer with 2MM in Gross Sales
Portland, OR
Profitable wholesale sandwich-making business with a long, established history and...
Wholesale Sandwich and Deli Mfg. and Distributor, Over 300K Cash Flow
Portland, OR
Portland-based, wholesale deli and sandwich manufacturer and distributor. Gross sales...
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