Beautiful and profitable bar and restaurant with lottery.
Portland, OR
Neighborhood favorite bar and restaurant. 5000 sq ft + patio with large parking lot. Known for great food , unique craft cocktails, pool tables, and busy...
Tavern w/Real Property
Portland, OR
Freestanding compact facility with single use building. Full kitchen with hood. Seats 49. Plus outdoor seating. Cozy bar room. Designed to keep labor costs...
Neighborhood Bar
Portland, OR
Great local bar in NW Portland with repeat customers Corner location with outside...
Bar/Restaurant on 39th & Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR
Newly opened on 6/15/2024 Type 1 hood w/2 fryers, 2 burner stove, 48" grill, 84" chest...
Lottery Deli, Six Machines, Extremely Strong Lottery Income.
Portland, OR
Over $250,000 in Lottery income 2021, 2022 and 2023. Absentee owners ready to let go of...
Full Bar & Bistro in Trendy Hawthorne Neighborhood
Portland, OR
Nestled in the vibrant Hawthorne neighborhood of Portland, this stylish bar and bistro...
Eastside Bar and Grill - NEW Price! $299,000
Portland, OR
Neighborhood Tavern with Lottery, Sports and Solid Pub Grub
Portland, OR
*** This is a confidential offering for an established business. Please contact broker...
Ideal Restaurant facility and location – Urban Portland Restaurant and
Portland, OR
LOCATION - Restaurant/Bar row, central to the revitalized downtown food & beverage...
Hummus Republic
Available in Oregon
Hummus Republic is a modern fast-casual concept with a simple business model, low...
NW Lottery Sports Bar & Grill w/parking lot
Portland, OR
A main thoroughfare on Portland westside. Highly visible. Well known with prominent...
Beer and WineBar / Restaurant Offering Savory Crepes & Salads
Portland, OR
All-day counter service restaurant/cafe offering savory and sweet crepes, salads and...
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