Well establish HVAC business
Portland, OR
Well-established HVAC business with great reviews. Servicing the Greater Portland area....
Custom Closets (design & installation) - Innovative & Lucrative
Portland, OR
Booming - High Tech (AI) Custom Closet Design & Installation business covering the...
Established and Profitable Custom Home Building Consulting Service
Portland, OR
Established and profitable custom prefabricating home building consulting service...
High Gross Profits: Property Damage and Restoration Company
Portland, OR
This is a high cash flow, proven and recession-proof “B2B” and “B2Consumer” company....
(High Demand) Manufacturing & Installation Company - Portland
Portland, OR
The new owner will utilize his/her previous management, marketing, and networking skills...
Outstanding Parking Lot Service Company - Portland
Portland, OR
Included in the sale price are a box truck, 4 striping machines, a drone, stencil kits...
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