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Profitable Coastal Oregon Seafood Restaurant
Crabby's has become one of the Oregon coast's most popular and recognized restaurants. It has a solid regular local customer base and is highly popular...
Incredibly Rare Franchised Drive-Thru Coffee Opportunity
Merit Commercial Real Estate has been exclusively retained to market for sale the business assets of a franchise interest in two (2) Human Bean coffee...
Turn Key Bulk Water Delivery Business
Douglas County, OR
The business is the largest potable water delivery company in Douglas County, operational since 1990 and under the current ownership since 2016. It serves a wide...
Established Stone Fabrication and Installation Southern Oregon
Roseburg, OR
Established Stone Fabrication and Installation Business for Sale in Southern Oregon <br /> <br />This stone fabrication and installation business has been serving...
Outstanding Restaurant Opportunity, includes Real Estate
Douglas County, OR
Fantastic opportunity to purchase this thriving business. With a track record of over...
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