Ramen & Bento restaurant in the Bethany area
Portland, OR
> Business Opportunity - No Real Estate involved - Newly decorated ramen & bento...
NW Pearl Neighborhood Bar and Restaurant w/cozy outdoor patio
Portland, OR
-Great Pearl District location, central to the vibrant Portland food & beverage scene....
Glass & Mirror Business for Sale
Washington County, OR
This company specializes in installation and replacement of windows, tabletops, mirrors,...
Profitable Century Old Moving and Storage Company
Washington County, OR
This over 100 hundred-year-old moving and storage company is an incredible opportunity....
Hillsboro Restaurant in Ideal Location
Hillsboro, OR
The ideal restaurant location is available in Hillsboro, with an exceptional lease in...
Landmark Italian Restaurant Nonna Emilia Ristorante Italiano
Washington County, OR
This a great restaurant that has been in business for generations and will continue to...
PRICE REDUCED!!!! Bubble Tea w/ Restaurant/Deli potential.
Portland, OR
Coveted busy location with long term tenants in a strip mall. This turnkey bubble tea...
Portland Area OR CPA Tax Practice for Sale
Washington County, OR
• The owner is a CPA • This practice was established in 1974 • Software in use –...
Nursery Business For Sale W/ Option to Purchase Real Estate
Portland, OR
Seize the chance to own a premier cannabis cultivation business in the heart of Eagle...
Brain Balance Achievement Centers
Available in Oregon
A sustainable franchise that addresses a growing need and changes people’s lives
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