Cash Flowing Dine In and Takeout Pizzeria
Allegheny County, PA
Looking for a winner? Try this for dinner...Turnkey, high quality, casual pizzeria with the financials and reviews to prove it. Convenient, high traffic suburban...
Bishop’s Pizza
West Homestead, PA
Founded in 1985, Bishop's Pizza has been more than just a place to grab a slice—it's been a cornerstone of the community. They've built lasting relationships with...
For Lease: Johnny's Italian Dining, Wilmerding, PA
Wilmerding, PA
Johnny's Italian Dining has a track record of strong financial performance. With...
Pizza Shop Cheap Rent
Mt Lebanon, PA
Do not miss your opportunity to purchase an established Pizzeria less than a Mile away...
Amazing Cuisine, Loyal Clientele.
Pittsburgh, PA
Business Description Turnkey, Profitable Italian Restaurant. Don’t miss out on the...
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