Amoroso Bread Route - Doylestown PA
Doylestown, PA
Net an average of $2,256 per week after all expenses. This route picks up product in Bellmawr New Jersey and delivers to Doylestown PA. Included with the purchase...
Service of Detergents & Supplies-Net $153K - 10% down
Bucks County, PA
This business has been pre-qualified for a loan with buyer only needing 10% down ($32,500). Buyer would take home after paying debt service $104,000. Buyer would...
Bucks County Beer Pa Distributor for sale
Bucks County, PA
LOCATION !!! LOCATION !!! , BUCKS COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA , beer distributor, parking lot ,...
High-End European Tabletop Online Store & Acacia Tableware Brands
Feasterville-Trevose, PA
Business Highlights: • Diverse Product Portfolio: The main business features a curated...
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