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Exciting Opportunity to own an estsablished successful Pretzel Bakery
Lebanon, PA
Philly Pretzel Factory is a nationally recognized franchise. This is a full service bakery that includes wholesale and retail sales. The bakery is fully equipped...
Electronics Repair Store Inside Heavily Trafficked Walmart
Palmyra, PA
Jarbly LLC presents an electronics repair shop that is heavily trafficked and fairly easy to run, that will go quickly based on cash flow and asking price. <br...
Lebanon County Tax Practice For Sale
Lebanon County, PA
• Owner looking to retire and is available for transition after closing as agreed with...
Lebanon, PA Education Business - $18,750!
Lebanon, PA
This is a great opportunity to take over a thriving educational service business in...
Profitable B2B Air and Water Filter Distributor: Commercial/Industrial
Lebanon County, PA
Profitable B2B Distributor: Sales and distribution of high quality air and water filters...
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