Established High Cash Flow Gas Station in Philadelphia
Philadelphia, PA
This Gas Station is a dynamic fuel station and convenience store operation that serves its community with a broad range of services and products. The business...
Truck stop for sale
Clinton County, PA
Branded Interstate Truck Stop doing 130k gallons (w/ $0.60/ gallon average margin) & 120,000 inside sales, $25k sandwich franchise sales and $10k of gaming...
Long-Established General Store in Northeast PA
This General Store (NOT a Convenience Store) and small gas station have been a staple in the local community since the 1940’s. The business is listed at $1.2M,...
Branded Gas Station w C Store in PA
Monroe County, PA
LISTING ID # 34297 A branded gas station, with a convenience store, is located at one of the crowded roads in Monroe County, in PA. Rent is $2900; a 10 years...
branded gas station with Deli store
Berks County, PA
ommission agent site that pumps around 50,000-55,000 gallons per month with 7 cents...
Gas station for sale in Berks County, PA
Berks County, PA
Due to the overwhelming interest in this listing, we kindly request that you include the...
Scranton C-Store --$250,000 Cash Flow--
Scranton, PA
Convenience Store with gas for sale. Well established with excellent location. Average...
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